Gossip Girl Recap - School Lies(Season 1 Episode 12)
We enter the episode with scenes of a raging party inside the school. We see Nate and Blair making out only to have Blair leave because of good ol' Chuck watching in the background. He played horny lifeguard this evening which is a role that suits him perfectly. Blair confronts him however, saying that he has other people he can torture. Chuck responds saying he chooses her. Next, Serena enters the party without Dan. Chuck eyes her bathing suit and says he'll turn her one piece into a no piece. She tells him to go play with a floatie. Dan and Vanessa are back at his place. He is sitting down and she is filming his exciting Saturday night in. Serena calls. She invites him to a party at the school. He goes with Vanessa tagging along. They arrive and Serena greets Dan with a hug and a kiss..or xo in Gossip Girl world. Vanessa walks around shooting the party for her video which is to be entered in a contest. Then, some guys get in a fight and one pushes the other into a pole. He hits his head and falls into the pool. All of the party goers freak out. Some grab their stuff and leave. Nate dives into the pool and gets him out. Serena and Dan rush over, Serena is on the phone getting an ambulance. Chuck grabs a key that was on a table. It looks mysterious. The last scene of the pool is someone's phone...but no one is grabbing it.
Now everyone is back at school getting to know the new head mistress. She informs them that Andrew Collins aka: Victim is going to be okay and that they should all be thankful. Onto the good stuff. She says that they all have to write her an essay explaining why they broke into the school, were drinking, doing drugs...in essence, what the hell were they thinking? Then, she told them that she would interview everyone she saw on photos from the cell phone left behind. The person responsible is to be expelled. If nobody comes forward, they're all expelled. Outside the school, they all swear to not say a word. According to Blair, it's worked every time. Dan is worried, especially by the words every time. Serena tells him not to worry, because she got him into this mess and she's going to get him out.
Dan talks to his dad on the phone, and his dad says to protect himself. Then, Lily comes in the gallery to see Rufus. She says she wanted to tell him about the engagement before Dan or Serena did. He looks confused.
We now see all of the kids at Blair's place.."working on their papers." It is obvious they were there to party, with the exceptions of Dan and Vanessa. Dan was there to work, and Vanessa was there to shoot. Vanessa shows Dan a clip from the party. It was Chuck grabbing the key. Dan confronts him at the party at Blair's to tell him that it's not right to lie about it. Chuck says he's only protecting all of them. Blair and Nate are talking in her room. He gives her a love letter and leans in for a kiss, but is rejected. He is confused, but before he can react Blair is downstairs playing hostess. Nate finds the key in Blair's drawer. Chuck and Blair are talking. She says Nate will believe her side..being that Chuck is lying about the sex in the car. However, Vanessa caught the discussion on tape thus proving Chuck right.
Rufus goes to Lily's hotel room. He says he knows she didn't go to the gallery to tell him about the engagement. He thinks she wanted a reason to say no. He gives her one..or two: he said he loves her, and then kissed her. Lily and Bart are out on a lunch date when he gets a business call. Lily looks lonely sitting at the table alone. She calls Rufus saying that she agrees. Why not see if anything is there? He wants to go away with her for the weekend. They make a date of it.
The next day, Nate is at school to turn himself in. He gives the head mistress the key as evidence of his involvement. She doesn't buy it though because he can't describe the key chain it was on. (when he found it, the chain was gone) He gets suspended for lying. The rest of the kids freak out. Blair confronts Vanessa to try and get the tape back. She fails. Now, Chuck is able to pay her off with $10,000. The tape is his. Nate tells Blair that he confessed to protect her since he found it in her room. She says it's the most romantic thing anyone has done for her. He says that he loves her, but she says they can't be together. Dan and Serena are talking about it outside, and she confesses that she did it. It's now his turn to speak with the head mistress.
Vanessa gives Blair the real copy. She only gave Chuck a blank tape. Blair is shocked but thankful. Nate comes to see Blair and she says she loves him too.

Blair shows up at Vanessa's work to inform her that she's payed her rent for the year. Blair says she did it so she can go back to hating her. She asks Vanessa how she spent Chuck's money. She made a grant for research of herpes and young people, in his name of course.
Back at the Van der Woodsen residence, Lily is packing for her trip with Rufus. Serena is talking to her mom about wanting to get away. Rufus is calling. Serena gives her mom her phone, but is mad because she realizes her mom was going with him. She tells her mom that Dan is everything to her, and it feels like it could last forever for them. Serena even goes as far to say that she'd rather have Chuck as a stepbrother over Dan. She leaves telling her mom she has something to do at the school.
Dan tells the head mistress that he doesn't know the culprit. Then, she walked in. She tells the head mistress she did it. Serena is being read her transcript. It is bad to say the least. She pleads to the HM(head mistress) that she shouldn't only use that as a guide as a fit punishment since she's a changed person now. She ends up getting 25 hours of community service. Dan teases her because he thinks it's a slap on the wrist and she only got it due to her wealth.
Lily ended up accepting Bart's proposal. This meaning she turned down Rufus. She met him, but only to say that she's sorry. He understands, or at least says so. The Basses and Van der Woodsens are together for dinner, and it's easy to see that Serena won't be enjoying Chuck as a brother. He says he'd like to catch up on things they missed out on such as bathing together. She walks away. Bart then tells Serena that he payed the HM off and that he's sorry she got punished, but only minimal punishment. She is upset because she knows Dan is right. She goes to his house to see him. When she gets there, Rufus is packing up his music stuff. She asks if he's done with it. He said he just needs something (someone) else to write songs about. She goes into Dan's room, and they study together. The episode ends with them on his bed almost cuddling, but working.
Now everyone is back at school getting to know the new head mistress. She informs them that Andrew Collins aka: Victim is going to be okay and that they should all be thankful. Onto the good stuff. She says that they all have to write her an essay explaining why they broke into the school, were drinking, doing drugs...in essence, what the hell were they thinking? Then, she told them that she would interview everyone she saw on photos from the cell phone left behind. The person responsible is to be expelled. If nobody comes forward, they're all expelled. Outside the school, they all swear to not say a word. According to Blair, it's worked every time. Dan is worried, especially by the words every time. Serena tells him not to worry, because she got him into this mess and she's going to get him out.
Dan talks to his dad on the phone, and his dad says to protect himself. Then, Lily comes in the gallery to see Rufus. She says she wanted to tell him about the engagement before Dan or Serena did. He looks confused.
We now see all of the kids at Blair's place.."working on their papers." It is obvious they were there to party, with the exceptions of Dan and Vanessa. Dan was there to work, and Vanessa was there to shoot. Vanessa shows Dan a clip from the party. It was Chuck grabbing the key. Dan confronts him at the party at Blair's to tell him that it's not right to lie about it. Chuck says he's only protecting all of them. Blair and Nate are talking in her room. He gives her a love letter and leans in for a kiss, but is rejected. He is confused, but before he can react Blair is downstairs playing hostess. Nate finds the key in Blair's drawer. Chuck and Blair are talking. She says Nate will believe her side..being that Chuck is lying about the sex in the car. However, Vanessa caught the discussion on tape thus proving Chuck right.
Rufus goes to Lily's hotel room. He says he knows she didn't go to the gallery to tell him about the engagement. He thinks she wanted a reason to say no. He gives her one..or two: he said he loves her, and then kissed her. Lily and Bart are out on a lunch date when he gets a business call. Lily looks lonely sitting at the table alone. She calls Rufus saying that she agrees. Why not see if anything is there? He wants to go away with her for the weekend. They make a date of it.
The next day, Nate is at school to turn himself in. He gives the head mistress the key as evidence of his involvement. She doesn't buy it though because he can't describe the key chain it was on. (when he found it, the chain was gone) He gets suspended for lying. The rest of the kids freak out. Blair confronts Vanessa to try and get the tape back. She fails. Now, Chuck is able to pay her off with $10,000. The tape is his. Nate tells Blair that he confessed to protect her since he found it in her room. She says it's the most romantic thing anyone has done for her. He says that he loves her, but she says they can't be together. Dan and Serena are talking about it outside, and she confesses that she did it. It's now his turn to speak with the head mistress.
Vanessa gives Blair the real copy. She only gave Chuck a blank tape. Blair is shocked but thankful. Nate comes to see Blair and she says she loves him too.

Blair shows up at Vanessa's work to inform her that she's payed her rent for the year. Blair says she did it so she can go back to hating her. She asks Vanessa how she spent Chuck's money. She made a grant for research of herpes and young people, in his name of course.
Back at the Van der Woodsen residence, Lily is packing for her trip with Rufus. Serena is talking to her mom about wanting to get away. Rufus is calling. Serena gives her mom her phone, but is mad because she realizes her mom was going with him. She tells her mom that Dan is everything to her, and it feels like it could last forever for them. Serena even goes as far to say that she'd rather have Chuck as a stepbrother over Dan. She leaves telling her mom she has something to do at the school.
Dan tells the head mistress that he doesn't know the culprit. Then, she walked in. She tells the head mistress she did it. Serena is being read her transcript. It is bad to say the least. She pleads to the HM(head mistress) that she shouldn't only use that as a guide as a fit punishment since she's a changed person now. She ends up getting 25 hours of community service. Dan teases her because he thinks it's a slap on the wrist and she only got it due to her wealth.
Lily ended up accepting Bart's proposal. This meaning she turned down Rufus. She met him, but only to say that she's sorry. He understands, or at least says so. The Basses and Van der Woodsens are together for dinner, and it's easy to see that Serena won't be enjoying Chuck as a brother. He says he'd like to catch up on things they missed out on such as bathing together. She walks away. Bart then tells Serena that he payed the HM off and that he's sorry she got punished, but only minimal punishment. She is upset because she knows Dan is right. She goes to his house to see him. When she gets there, Rufus is packing up his music stuff. She asks if he's done with it. He said he just needs something (someone) else to write songs about. She goes into Dan's room, and they study together. The episode ends with them on his bed almost cuddling, but working.
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