I usually don't give much details about stuff like these here in my blog for I respect other people's privacy. But now I don't care. He crossed the line and I'm going to cross mine. The issue that I'm dealing with right now is a friend problem. To be honest, I really don't have any idea if it is a clique problem, friend problem or a rivalry thingy or even just a personality issue or a he's-just-being-a-bitch-with-his-ego issue. Give it up for the queen bee, Robin. He's doing it again. The last time we had a fight is that all-against-one fight. Him against almost the entire clique. That was all forgiven and done. It was a huge misunderstanding anyways. This time, I'm sure of it. It is not a misunderstanding. Here's how the story goes:

As a matter of fact our clique isn't really that stable. We stand in a shaky ground. It's like different personalities, thoughts and perspectives all mixed together. Some get along and some really just don't. Fights were avoided by letting an offense slip away or just tolerating it. Some even just ignore offenses. We had notable fights this senior year, including:

  1. Meng's madly obesessive love for Jeffrey which involves her brain miscalculating things with the involvements of spies and stuff like that. She even saw the whole thing as an unfair fight where it's three against one. This also comes with her thinking that Christine and Jeffrey are having an affair. So false! And if it is true, what's it to her? Thiis whole thing went on for many weeks. I think it's for a month. Okay. That's enough. Moving on.
  2. Robin being a complete bitch in the classroom for like three days straight or so. We(when I say we, I mean us. Circle of Best Friends. Seriously. The Circle of Best Friends cracks me up. It's hilarious.) all agreed that we don't like him acting that way. So we decided to not talk to him unless he talks to us first. It turned out to be easy because I was always chattting with Neil, Patrick, Danilo and Mark Paul near my seat. Robin made a joke about me that I don't really want at that moment so I shut him up and I could tell, he was surprised and at the same time angry. By the way, I give myself props for that. There's this one time where almost everyone on our clique agreed that he's behavior was very rude. The whole turning point of the sutiuation where it became worse when Robin, Fatima and Raina went to Fatima's house to get the wine glasses that we took from our Prom as souvenir. On the other side, Virgi and Christine planned to hang out at Niña's for they will use the internet. Jeffrey decided to join them which causes Bernard?, Rubio and Jiru to join too. It also turned out that Kim and Roxanne joined thm too. Micah was at her own house and I was on my way to Lucena, preparing for my interview on UST in Manila. Then that's when it all gone worse. Robin went to Niña's to give a speech and the Monay after that things were really cold. Soon, we patched things up.
  3. The latest before this fight was the Fatima, Raina and Christine's friendship triangle. Well, that's how I saw it. It's sort of self explanatory. Raina and Christine are best friends then all of the sudden, in the midst of Robin's fight, Raina was always with Fatima. Then it turned out that they were best friends already and it made Christine angrier. Time's the main reason that Christine's anger diminished. And everything's okay until...
This last week. High School's over but it feels like we're still in it. Apparently, Robin was mad at our 'Circle of Best Friends'. I don't know for what reason but after a while, I heard that it's because... we're best friends. We were just like WTF? It's completely unfair for him to be mad for that reason. First, because we've been best friends since Meng's issue. And he already knew it for a while. How come he's mad now? Why now? When it's already had been months since we started the circle, why would he be mad now? Then I learned that he's mad because he feels out of placed everytime we're together. Robin Matthew Alarcon. Out of placed? You have got to be kidding me! He always had someone to talk to. Alyssa. Meng. Micah. It's unlikely of him to complain about it. And if that's the real reason, why is he so mad? I've known people that were out of placed and none of them were mad like they were blaming people because they had been out of placed. It's really an unfair thing with him bitching around while we we're not doing anything against him. We didn't even do anything. Nothing in purpose. And after all of these things... Now you guys know.

I wasn't mad at him or anything. I am more like frustrated. But now. I am mad. The BBS(It's a clique with gay guys along with their friends. There's some straight people there too.) had a party last night, celebrating Ivan's(Ova's gay brother.) birthday. Ova asks me to come but I didn't want to. It's weird. It's right across our street. And an attire of pink was required. I never personally wore pink before. I wore one once. It's our soccer uniform. Anyways, Ova called me asking me one more time to join them, on the background I could hear her friend Jemily asking who I was. After Ova told her, she had a follow up question, "He's gay right?" I found it funny and annoying at the same time. Then she said goodbye and I went to sleep. I woke up 5 in the morning. I peed then went back to bed. I checked my phone for messages and I had one from Ova. She said that she's mad at Robin because he's been telling everyone stories about me. One even included Mark Paul. I kew it. I was expecting it. And it happened. The whole me being gay thing was put into spot light. How many times must I tell people that I'm straight. That's when I really got mad at Robin. Besides the fact that I haven't done anything against him, I sort of thought he knows who I really am. It turned out that he thinks of me as someone else and conviniently he told everyone about it. Smooth move. Really smooth. That's all for now. I'm having lunch. See ya!


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