Movie Trip: One Missed Call
As a side story, Robin didn't join us. He said he'd go and find a design for his barong for our prom. We were just fine about it. I think he really still wants to win the award for the best looking man( I forgot what the title is called but it's somewhere between Escort or Gentleman of the Night). He was good looking despite of the fact that, well, he's gay. Jeffrey(Still, the other Jeffrey. Not me. I always prefer to myself here as me.)
We watched the movie with the lights off and as usual, I was sitting in front of the tv along with Niña, Bernard, and Mark Paul. On the sofa, just above me, there's Jiru and beside him was Raina and Virgi. Fatima was in the sofa too. Jeffrey and Christine had each own seperate chair. While watching the movie we were laughing(So silly because it was a horror movie.) It was because that sometimes when a sudden big movement occured the DVD player is hit and the movie just goes wrong. So, we stop it a couple of time. I tried pressing the next button so that we would go to the scene where we stopped but the Warner Bros. logo just kept appearing and appearing with that funny tune. It kept happening for a couple of times and everytime it repeated, we laughed. LOL. At the start of the movie, I swore that Virgi and Christine was talking way too much and their voices surfaced. I just thought to myself "Ugh. Please, we're watching a movie." I decided to ask Bernard to tell them to lowertheir voice but Bernard respond to me that he was telling me the same thing the last few minutes. I dismissed it by saying that let them talk for a while, they'll probably stop soon. Yeah, they stopped. At the middle of the movie, after a scary scene, Virgi made a noise. I forgot what's the noise but I think it's a mild scream. We found out that Charmine came out of nowhere and held Virgi's elbow. LOL. Charmine then proceeded to sit beside us in front of the tv. We sank in our sits again, concentrating on the movie. Bernard whispered to me, "What's that on the door?" I felt a slight of chill upon seeing this dark small thing on the door. I pointed my flashlight to the dark image and it revealed a cockroach. I panicked. If there's something I'm scared of, it's cockroach at a higher place than mine and looking ready to fly. Seriously, it looked like it's gonna fly when you make a sudden movement. All of us panicked when Jeffrey acted like he was going to hit it. What the hell? It might fly! That scene was funny because everyone in front of the tv was afraid of the cockroach. We were screaming like crazy and you know what's crazier? We were scratching our feet, like pulling back to the sofa like that scene in horror movie where the victims were about to be attacked and they were panicking. They were always in a corner or in a wall but yet they keep on going backwards even though there's nowhere to go. Hahaha. It was so funny. The ending was the scariest because the phone came dialling itself then the entire screen turned to black then poof! Out were the credits. Then this cellphone alarm went off, in real life! It added to that scary moment because the alarm seemed to be getting louder(Well, of course, because it's an alarm.) Then Niña went histerical and asked we to rewind the DVD to check if it was in the movie or if it was for real. Then, it turned out to be a cellphone downstairs where Niña's househelpers watched tv. So much for the horror!
The plot goes like this(from Wikipedia):
Elizabeth Raymond is terrified by the deaths of four friends, three of which she personally witnessed, after they received chilling phone calls. The calls were sent from a dead friend's phone, but were apparently from the victims in the future, showing the exact time of their deaths and usually containing their last words. After every death, a small red candy is found in the victim's mouth. Beth reports these strange occurrences to the police; however, they think she is delirious. Detective Jack Andrews, however, believes her, stating that his sister died in a similar way. Together, they begin to unravel the mystery of the chain of calls, but are unsure if they can figure it out before Beth's phone starts to ring the same eerie tune.
They eventually trace the series of calls back to a woman named Marie Layton, who was apparently abusing her children, Ellie and Laurel, for attention, as in cases of Munchausen Syndrome. They learn that Ellie later died of an asthma attack, and that Laurel is in foster care after her mother went missing.
Believing that Marie is the force behind the murders, Beth travels to the recently burned-down St. Luke's hospital, where Marie was last seen, bringing Laurel in for a cut on her arm. After searching the hospital, Beth finds the body of Marie in the hospital ducting, where she apparently burned to death, clutching a cell phone. Marie's corpse moves and assaults Beth while weeping, and collapses when Detective Andrews makes his way into the ducting to help Beth. During this episode, the time of Beth's own phone call passes without her dying.
After contacting authorities, who arrive to collect the body, Beth returns home and Andrews goes to tell Laurel that her mother is dead. While visiting, Andrews finds a video disc in the back of Laurel's teddy bear. The disc is a video of a camera Marie hid in her children's room to monitor Laurel and Ellie. Ellie, clothed in a black hoodie, cuts Laurel's arm with a large butcher knife. Marie comes in and finds the children, realizing that the abuse she has been blamed for has been Ellie all along, and leaves to take Laurel to the hospital, locking Ellie in the bedroom.
Ellie, frantic, tries to force open the door, and suffers an asthma attack. Reaching for her inhaler, she finds it empty, and dies while dialing her mother's cell phone, making Marie the first real victim of the curse, dying in the fire. Laurel enters the room and Andrews says that it was Ellie who hurt her all the time, not her mother. Laurel nods, and speaking for the first time since the death of her mother, says, "But she always gave me candy." and holds out one of the red hard candies found in the mouths of all the victims.
Andrews realizes that the force behind the murders is Ellie, and races to Beth to make sure she's all right. Finding Beth unharmed, Andrews and Beth hear the doorbell ring and a knock on the door. Andrews looks through the hole, only to die of a knife in his eye, as dictated by the last call received. Ellie then reaches out to strangle Beth, but luckily the spirit of Marie appears and grabs Ellie, saving Beth again. Marie's ghost vanishes, leaving Beth to stare bewildered into the distance. Then the phone begins to dial a number showing that the curse has not ended. Ellie is still out there, and there is another victim that is going to die.
If I have to rate it horror-wise it would be 8 out of 10. Some of the graphics were really great it gave me some goosebumps. And the disgusting skin of the first woman killed(the sister of the detective) was really disturbing. In horror movies, 'disturbing' is a really big factor for me. Story-wise i would give the ORIGINAL writer a 10. The story was really good. The story's cue to death was the missed call in cellphones and it is very scary to think that in a cold night suddenly you're phone would be ringing then the call will end and you'll have a voice mail. Yikes! I never would want to be in that situation. It's too creepy for me.We had a lot of movie that we watched before so I guess I'll give you some posts about them soon.
Leaving you with more mysteries,
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