Gossip Girl - All About My Brother(Season 1 Episode 16)

Blair and Jenny begin a gossip war on the steps. Penelope mentions Asher's party and Jenny rubs it in Blair's face that Blair isn't invited. Rufus calls Jenny after finding out about the party. He doesn't tell her that he knows, but she still lies to him by saying she'll be at choir.

Meanwhile, Serena and Erik talk about Bart's bachelor party. Erik updates Serena on the new rumor about Jenny from Gossip Girl. She mentions how people thought that he was Gossip Girl. Chuck calls Serena and asks if she's seen Georgina, but she hasn't for two weeks.

At the restaurant Vanessa works at, she talks to Georgina (who she thinks is Sarah). Dan comes in and they all talk about Jenny's new beau, Asher and also about love in general. Dan mentions that things are back to normal for him and Serena. Dan plans to introduce Serena to "Sarah" that night.

At school, a jealous Erik watches as Jenny hugs Asher. Erik talks to Jenny about Asher. Jenny assumes that Erik has a crush on her when he seems protective of her and Asher.

Dan rushes to meet Serena. Serena also mentions how she hates having to study for the SATs because she's not using the score that Chuck bought for her. Dan asks if she wants to go to dinner to meet "Sarah". She can't because she already agreed to a quiet family dinner with Erik and Lily.

Dan seems worried when he sees Jenny making out with Asher. He also texts Georgina to say that Serena can't meet her for dinner that night. Dan then catches Asher kissing another person on the street.

Lily is busy planning things when Rufus comes up to talk to her. He needs advice from a mother for Jenny. They go into the limo to talk.

Dan wants to talk to Asher. He tells him that he saw Asher kissing another guy. They start tussling, but Jenny stops them. Asher lies about what they were fighting about. Jenny gets upset at Dan.

Serena and Blair talk about Jenny and Asher. Dan comes by and vents about his dislike for Asher and Jenny together.

Lily tells Rufus that he can't stop her from growing up. Lily assures that Jenny will come around, just like Serena did.

Gossip Girl announces that Asher was seen locking lips with another guy. Jenny seems upset. Serena gets a call that a package from Georgina is waiting for her. Dan asks what the phone call was about, but she leaves.

Blair approaches Dan about Gossip Girl's announcement. She says that Asher and Jenny will be over if he continues with this rumor. He doesn't want to hurt Jenny though.

Lily and Rufus talk about his plan to get Jenny. She is trying on the wedding dress and Rufus is stunned at how pretty she looks.

Jenny and her friends talk about Asher. Blair forwards all Asher's texts to her email address.

Jenny sees Asher and she starts to kiss him. Asher talks to her that they are feeding off of each other. Jenny is covering Asher's real sexuality while Jenny gets a taste of the Upper East Side.

Serena walks into her room with a note from Georgina and a computer chip with a video on it. Serena watches on her laptop. She quickly puts it away and hides the chip. Lily stops Serena from going out because of the family dinner and Georgina.

Gossip Girl sends a message that Jenny and Asher slept together. Dan comes in demanding to know the truth. She tells him it's not true, but she wants everyone to think it is. Jenny reveals that she knew that Asher was gay the whole time. Blair calls Serena, but Serena hangs up abruptly.

At dinner, Georgina talks about herself a bit. The subject then moves to Erik when Georgina says that she saw him kissing a guy out in public. Lily panics when she realizes that Erik is gay. Serena gets upset at Georgina.

Jenny tries to leave, but Rufus stops her and tells her that he knows that she's going to Asher's party. He tries to stop her, but she goes out anyway and he loses all trust and respect for her.

Serena goes to Erik's room and finds him talking to Chuck. Serena assures him that they can talk too. He also mentions that Asher is the guy he was kissing. Erik also says he should go to Asher's party.

At Asher's party, everyone seems to be having fun. Blair crashes it. She wants to find Asher.

Serena goes to Dan's. He says she can meet "Sarah" now. Serena meets her and is very surprised.

Dan, Serena, Vanessa, and "Sarah" are going to watch "Sarah's" short movie. While Dan gets Serena some coffee, Serena confronts Georgina. Georgina says it's just a game and if the beginning of the video doesn't make Dan go running, the end will. Georgina doesn't show the movie though.

At Asher's party, Penelope and Hazel comment on how lucky Jenny is to have Asher. When Elise tells them that Blair is there, Jenny freaks out.

Blair goes up to Asher and says she knows everything. She hasn't said anything because the person Asher was kissing is someone she cares about.

Erik also shows up and starts to tell everyone the real story: that he and Asher are gay. Asher denies it and tries to use Jenny to cover it up. She does, but Erik says that why would he lie about something like that. Blair then forwards all of Asher's texts to Gossip Girl.

Lily confides in Rufus that she feels terrible about her reaction to Erik's sexuality. Rufus also mentions that Jenny is in big trouble. It's apparent that Rufus still has feelings for Lily.

At the party, Gossip Girl officially announces that Asher is gay. Jenny still wants to have fun, but Hazel says it's hard to party after the gay bomb drops. They also confront Jenny about whether or not she slept with Asher. She confesses that she didn't. Blair is on top again, leaving Jenny sad and a liar.

When Erik comes home, Lily apologizes for her reaction. She is glad that he is being honest, but she's also scared.

At Blair's place, Jenny comes by to tell her that Blair won. Jenny says that she doesn't want to do it anymore.

Serena tells Dan that she doesn't really like "Sarah." Serena tells Dan not to trust her, but he doesn't understand because she just met her.

He leaves with Vanessa and Georgina stays to talk to Serena. She says that she knows things that Serena doesn't. Georgina then runs to go to Dan and Vanessa.

As Dan and Rufus play Scrabble, Jenny comes home with a very sad look. She asks if she can join them and he says that there's always room for her. She apologizes to Rufus.

Serena goes to Blair's. She is crying, so Blair tries to talk to her. After Blair convinces her to tell her what happened, Serena finally admits it. Serena killed somebody.


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